'The body often doesn't recognise laboratory made ingredients and
cannot absorb them and does not know what to do with them.'

Alfred Vogel - Bach Flower remedies
Using Oil

A bit about oil

It is a common concern that using oil as a moisturiser, particularly on your face, may leave you feeling and looking greasy.

Mineral oil, such as baby oil, is petroleum based, and normally fragranced with synthetic perfumes. Because its chemical structure is totally different than our skin, they do not absorb well and tend to sit on top of the skin, acting more as a barrier
than a moisturiser.

Botanicals oils come from plants in the form of fruit kernels (Apricot Kernel Oil and Avocado Oil), seeds (Grape Seed and Sunflower Oil) or the flesh from fruit (Coconut Oil), to mention but a few. Many cheap botanical oils have been mechanically over processed with heat and chemicals, and stripped of the therapeutic properties that are beneficial to our skin. The molecular structure that enables it to be absorbed into the epidermis has been destroyed, and therefore it tends to sit on the skin, leaving a greasy clogged feeling.

However botanical oils which are grown with natural fertilizers, in sync with their natural cycle and carefully processed or cold pressed retain most of their plant compounds, vitamins, and essential fatty acids. The molecular structure of these oils is similar to the skin's own oil, sebum, which allows good absorption into the epidermis. They work synergistically with the body and the skin, just as good nutritious food would.

Botanical oil are rich sources of Vitamin A, C and E (Avocado and Carrot Oil), Omega 3 and 6 (Rosehip and Borage) and antioxidants (Red Raspberry Seed ), to name but a few. They can be used on the face, body, hair and feet. They can be fragranced with essential oils and 'carry' their therapeutic compounds through the skin to be absorbed into the bloodstream.

Essential Oils are the essence or the 'soul' of the plant, and are what give the plant its aroma. They are full of therapeutic natural compounds which seem to do everything from beautifying the skin, heal scars, calm anxiety, lift depression, boost the immune system to curing headaches.

At Palmeira & Wilson, one of our core principles is to use good quality plant and essential oils as close to their natural state as possible. They come from trees, twigs, petals, leaves, seeds, roots, resins, and the rind of citrus fruit.

We love to create synergistic blends that are highly absorbent and leave no oily residue. One of the most repeated statements when people first try our oils is: 'Gosh….it's not oily at all and my skin feels lovely! Of course, it is oil, and we are happy that we have proved these misconceptions wrong.


The molecular structure and consistency of botanical oils is similar to the skin's own oil, sebum. This allows the oil to be absorbed deep into the epidermis and balance or stimulate sebum production, which regulates moisture levels in the skin. Two of our favourite oils, Avocado and Jojoba, are superb examples of this function. Once in the epidermis, the oil is absorbed into the bloodstream, and the nutrients and useful compounds are distributed and used by the body.

Many people would think it inconceivable to use oil on oily skin, but you may be surprised to know that Grape Seed Oil has wonderful tonic and astringent properties, and will help balance oily skin, which is partly caused by excess sebum.


Many skincare products contain 'test tube' ingredients like glycols and silicone, which are formulated to stop the skin losing moisture. Initially skin may feel smoother, but they end up blocking pores and the skin's ability to breath. This inhibits one of the key functions of the skin – the release of toxins and waste through pores, which increases when we sweat. If this vital function is blocked, skin can become irritated, life less and dull.

In Chinese medicine, the skin is called the 'third lung'. As the largest organ in the body, one of its key functions is absorption and elimination. In other words it is intended to breath. Oxygen and moisture is absorbed and foreign bodies and toxins are eliminated through the skin as part of the immune systems way of keeping the body clean.

Using oil and natural products on your skin works in harmony with the whole body and does not interfere with this essential process.

How to use oil

Less is more! The key to using oil successfully is to use small amounts at a time.

BODY: put small amounts at a time into the palm of the hand, rub together, and massage all over body, or on chosen areas. Allow oil to absorb, and apply more if desired. Oil can be applied to dry skin, but for moist dewy skin, applying oil straight after a bath or shower, when pores are open, is very effective, leaving skin feeling smooth and comfortable. The oil should absorb within 5 minutes. Remember different parts of the body may need more moisturising than others. If necessary, use a tissue to remove any excess.

BATH: Add 1 -2 capfuls of Body & Bath Oil to running water. The oil will gently moisturise your skin while you relax and bathe.

For a perfect skin maintenance ritual, remove dead cells and stimulate circulation using one of our Dead Sea Salt body scrubs at least once a week or dry brush skin.

FACE: Put 2-3 drops at a time onto your fingertip and massage with circular motions into the face and neck, after cleansing. Repeat until all areas have been moisturised. When oil has absorbed, apply make up is desired.

Looking after your oils

We package our oils in coloured glass and seal them with droppers to protect them from sunlight and the air.

Store away from direct sunlight and heat, and always replace the cap. Customers have the option to buy a separate pump top instead of using a dropper. This also keeps the oils protected, and to reduce waste, we encourage customers to re-use the pump tops for other products.

We hope you enjoy our products.

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